
Terms of Use

last updated: March 24, 2023

Privacy Notice

This privacy notice explains who we are, for what purposes we may use your personal data, how we handle it, to whom we may disclose it such as clients, service providers and/or other Randstad group companies, where it may be transferred to or accessible from and what your rights are.

This privacy notice applies to the processing of personal data we collect when you visit our website, use our mobile app, when we provide you our Services namely in the field of recruitment and selection, mediation, temporary staffing, secondment, payroll, personal development, career guidance, coaching, planning, and personnel and salary administration as further described in the Terms and Conditions (collectively “Services”) and the processing of personal data of persons who work for companies with which we conduct (or intend to conduct) business.

Your privacy and the security of your personal data is important to Randstad Solutions Limited and the rest of the Randstad group companies.  We are responsible for ensuring that all personal data entrusted to us is processed in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. 

This notice explains who we are, for what purposes we may use your personal data, how we handle it, to whom we may disclose it to such as clients, service providers and/or other Randstad group companies, where it may be transferred to or be accessible from and what your rights are.

Randstad Solutions Limited and its relevant legal entities  (referred to in this notice as: “we” or “us” or Randstad), will process your personal data in accordance with this privacy notice (such personal data sometimes also referred to as “information”). 

Except as otherwise set out below, Randstad is the controller of the personal data (‘controller’ within the meaning of applicable data protection legislation). 

  • For the efficient operation and management of our business, Randstad group companies may in certain instances jointly define the purposes and means of Processing Personal Data (joint controllers). Examples of processing activities where Randstad group companies jointly process personal data are those related to managing our Misconduct Reporting Procedure and Sanctions checks, which we do jointly with Randstad N.V. Please contact us (see the section “Contact us” below) if you want to know more about these jointly-controlled processing activities or would like to receive a summary of the joint controllers’ roles and responsibilities and/or exercise your rights regarding any jointly-controlled processing of your personal data.

When you visit our website or a Randstad app, we collect some information related to your device, your browser and to the way you navigate our content. We may use cookies to collect this personal data.  

Cookies are small text files that are saved on your device when you visit our website. Cookies enable the website to remember your actions and preferences (for example, your choice of language) and recognize you when you return, so that we may analyze trends, determine your areas of interest and  administer our website in order to speed up the navigation process and to make your site experience more efficient.

Randstad processes your personal data only for the purposes specified below: 

- To manage the website and for system administration purposes (e.g. also for diagnosing technical problems, analyse the traffic to our website): based on the legal ground of (a) legitimate interest of managing our website, marketing and communications strategy; or (b) where (a) is not possible because local mandatory law requires so, only in those limited cases may this be based on a consent; 

- For web analytics, in order to optimize the user experience (analyzing the way our pages are visited, analyzing trends, observe and measure how our visitors engage with our website) and the quality of the content provided to you (e.g. job posting): based on the legal ground of (a) legitimate interest of improving our website, marketing and communications strategy; or (b) where (a) is not possible because local mandatory law requires so, only in those limited cases may this be based on a consent;

- If you choose to download our reports or white papers or to subscribe to news, events and alerts, fill in webforms, we will use the information you provide us to send you the content requested, to communicate with you (including, where you agree, to send you related information that might be of interest to you) and to improve our marketing and communication strategy: Randstad can send whitepapers, newsletters, events and alerts where you have given consent to receive this. If you are no longer interested in these Randstad messages you are always able to opt-out from receiving such communications by emailing;

- If you choose to use our salary calculator:  to provide you with your free personalised report and for activities which are ancillary to the provision of and your use of the salary calculator such as (i) analysis of your salary/compensation data and related data that you have provided to us to enable us to provide and increase the accuracy of the salary calculator, and/or (ii) to send you once a week communications if you opt-in to these and/or (iii) to communicate with you about your use of the salary calculator;

- For managing specific inquiries: based on the legal ground of (a) legitimate interest of improving our website, marketing and communications strategy; or (b) where (a) is not possible because local mandatory law requires so, only in those limited cases may this be based on a consent;

- Cooperating with law enforcement agencies/courts, management of legal disputes/claims: processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include the protection of company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims/disputes;

Your personal data may be shared with:

  • other members of Randstad, and third party service providers and suppliers located in Randstad's worldwide locations. A list of these locations is available by clicking here;
  • any person or authority (including a government department/body) with a lawful entitlement to obtain the information.

Please find more information on the cookies we use, for what purpose and further settings for configuring or deleting cookies in our cookie notice

We use your personal data when providing our HR-services, which include services in the field of recruitment and selection, mediation, temporary staffing, secondment, payroll, personal development, career guidance, coaching, planning, and personnel and salary administration as further described in the Terms and Conditions (collectively “Services”). 

By innovating at scale, Randstad will fulfill our compelling vision: to empower lifelong employability and deliver on our brand promise of proactivity, transparency and guidance to offer a truly enriching talent experience for finding a job around the world.

As a candidate, we collect and process personal data about you such as:

  • Identification information – we may process your name, contact information (including email, home address, home phone number and mobile phone number), citizenship & country of residence, date of birth, gender, digital signature, languages spoken and nationality & immigration status (and information from related documents).
  • CV/resumes and other recruitment information – we may process your CV/resume, work history, information about your skills, your experience and educational background and other relevant information (such as your photograph, interview notes and personal data included in the cover letter or as part of the application process).  We may also process details in references about you that we receive from third parties.
  • Compensation and benefits information – we may process personal data relating to your current compensation and benefits including (without limitation) your current bonus, recurring payments and benefits.
  • Government issued identifiers – we may process government issued identifiers including (without limitation) your national identification number, social insurance number, social security number and driving license number, as legally required.
  • Information about you available from third parties - including the results of any state criminal record checks, credit checks and/or financial sanctions checks.
  • Photographs and video footage – when participating in recruitment-related events, meetings, conferences etc., we may process photographs or videos of you.
  • Visitor information – when accessing our buildings, we may collect your name, contact details, car plate number, and other identification for security reasons. Where we are legally required to do so we may also ask you to disclose information about your health (including information related to viral infections, flu, etc.) for health and safety reasons.
  • Information you choose to share with us – we may process additional personal data if you choose to share that with us.

This data may be obtained directly from you, from the public domain or from third parties. In the last case, we will inform you of the purpose and data sources we use, the exception is where the provision of this information to you would cause disproportionate efforts. In that case, we may take alternative measures to protect your rights and freedoms.

Randstad processes your personal data only for the purposes specified below:

- To provide our Services to you (including matching and proposing you to clients, interviews, assessments): For example, we may process your personal data to recommend jobs to you based on your profile and enable our consultants to provide you with tailored job opportunities, career advice, reskilling options, inclusiveness, suggest additional training where necessary and introduce you to hiring managers. The processing of your data and the use of automated systems is necessary to provide you with the matching services, and is therefore based on (pre-)contractual necessity;

- Training and updating of systems/statistical purposes. Some of the systems that we use to provide our Services are based on machine learning technology. In order for that technology to function reliably, it needs to be trained and updated on the basis of existing data. We may also process personal data in an aggregated manner for statistical purposes: Based on our legitimate interest in training and updating our systems. We have implemented mitigating measures to limit the privacy impact, such as de-identification and an easy opt-out in your choices;

- Dispute management and litigation: Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include the protection of company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims, disputes and/or grievances;

- To conduct checks to verify your suitability for placements: we may carry out criminal record checks, credit checks and verify whether you are a politically exposed person, a specially designated national or otherwise subject to sanctions under applicable laws or regulations.

- Compliance with labor, tax and social security laws and other legal or regulatory requirements (e.g. equal opportunity and workplace diversity requirements): Processing is necessary for compliance with employment and social security legal obligations;

- Events: Based on our legitimate interest in maintaining a good relationship with our community of candidates and promoting our services by inviting you to our events;

- Facilities, security and contingency planning purposes: Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include safeguarding and securing our assets, our facilities, our information systems and our people;

- To conduct corporate transactions (including mergers, acquisitions and divestments): Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include Randstad’s interest in developing its business through mergers, acquisitions and divestments;

When you are a temporary worker on a temporary assignment at one of our clients, we may process personal data about you such as:

  • Identification information – we may process your name, contact information (including email, home address, home phone number and mobile phone number), citizenship & country of residence, date of birth, gender, digital signature, languages spoken and nationality & immigration status (and information from related documents).
  • CV/resumes and other recruitment information – we may process your CV/resume, work history, information about your skills, your experience and educational background and other relevant information (such as your photograph, interview notes and personal data included in the cover letter or as part of the application process).  We may also process details in references about you that we receive from third parties.
  • Compensation and benefits information – we may process personal data relating to your current compensation and benefits including (without limitation) your current bonus, recurring payments and benefits.  
  • Government issued identifiers – we may process government issued identifiers including (without limitation) your national identification number, social insurance number, social security number and driving license number, as legally required.
  • Information about you available from third parties - including the results of any state criminal record checks, credit checks and/or financial sanctions checks.
  • Photographs and video footage – when participating in recruitment-related events, meetings, conferences etc., we may process photographs or videos of you.
  • Visitor information – when accessing our buildings, we may collect your name, contact details, car plate number, and other identification for security reasons. Where we are legally required to do so we may also ask you to disclose information about your health (including information related to viral infections, flu, etc.) for health and safety reasons.
  • Time and attendance records - information we gather from you, from swipe card systems, time management system, time clock records.
  • Professional information – we may process personal data related to your work including (without limitation) your job title, description and location, your department, professional email address, reporting levels, and employment status (full-time/part-time/etc.).
  • Financial information – financial information including (without limitation) your bank account number, bank details, VAT number.
  • Salary information – we may process salary information including (without limitation) recurring payments and benefits, your bonus.
  • Performance-related information – performance-related information including (without limitation) information on your performance reviews.
  • Disciplinary information - information relating to disciplinary measures taken against you, if any.
  • Grievance information – In order to assist in the reporting of grievances and (suspected) misconduct within the Randstad Group of companies, we have established dedicated channels through which stakeholders may voice concerns, either through local reporting mechanisms in place at the level of the local Randstad Group companies or, for serious misconduct (including whistleblowing), through our Integrity Line, the Randstad Group reporting facility. Whenever we receive a grievance report or a report about (suspected) misconduct we may process personal data related to the complainant, the other individuals mentioned in the complaint and the person(s) that is/are subject of the complaint and/or of the investigation into the complaint. 
  • Travel and expense data – travel and accommodation information and expenses including (without limitation) travel itineraries, hotel and travel reward cards.
  • Vehicle information – information about your personal or company car including (without limitation) your license plate, parking tickets and driving fines.
  • Family and dependent information – information related to your family and dependents including (without limitation) details regarding family composition (names, genders, ages), any "special needs" or education requirements for children or dependents, special needs of elderly parents, emergency contact information. 
  • Information related to identification/access control cards – employee identification and access control cards may contain your name, photograph, employee number and may be linked to other details on record (department, phone number, license plate).
  • CCTV footage – we may process footage of you obtained through our use of CCTV surveillance systems.
  • Survey results – we may process your responses to questions in employee surveys.
  • Information related to your usage of Randstad devices, software and access to Randstad’s network – we may process information related to your use of our devices, software and access to our networks, including (without limitation) your browsing history, your use of email, internet and social media, whether at the workplace, on our equipment or otherwise through our networks. 
  • Special categories of data, such as: 
    • Health-related information – health-related information including (without limitation) injuries and exposure, incident reports, disability, sickness and absences and maternity leave information, as legally required.
    • Ethnic origin – information revealing your ethnic origin, as legally required. 

To the extent we process these special categories of data, we will protect, secure and use that information in a manner consistent with this notice and applicable laws.

  • Trade union membership – data revealing your trade union membership.

This data may be obtained directly from you, from the public domain or from third parties. In the last case, we will inform you of the purpose and data sources we use, the exception is where the provision of this information to you would cause disproportionate efforts. In that case, we may take alternative measures to protect your rights and freedoms.

Randstad processes your personal data only for the purposes specified below:

- General HR management and administration purposes (including workforce management): The processing is necessary for the performance of the temporary worker’s employment contract; and/or Processing is necessary for compliance with employment and social security legal obligations;

- Compensation, payroll and expense reimbursement (including reporting and billing to clients): The processing is necessary for the performance of the temporary worker’s employment contract; and/or Processing is necessary for compliance with employment and social security/tax legal obligations;

- Insurance, pension and other benefits: Processing is necessary for the performance of the temporary worker’s employment contract; and/or Processing is necessary for compliance with employment and social security legal obligations; 

- Performance management, career development and training: Processing is necessary for the performance of the temporary worker’s employment contract; and/or Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include the development and training of employees; 

- Fleet management: Processing is necessary for the performance of the temporary worker’s employment contract; and/or Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Ransdstad, which include safeguarding our assets;

- Disciplinary and grievance management, investigations, appeals (including managing complaints) and handling reports through Randstad’s misconduct reporting procedure: Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include the protection of company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims/disputes;

- Dispute management and litigation: Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include the protection of company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims/disputes; 

- Health and safety management: The processing is necessary for the performance of the temporary worker’s employment contract; and/or Processing is necessary for compliance with employment and social security legal obligations. If not based on the above grounds: Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include the protection of its employees, company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims/disputes; or protection of the vital interests of the Data Subjects;

- Managing holidays, leaves and other absences: Processing is necessary for the performance of the temporary worker’s employment contract; and Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include improving efficiency in the workplace and the proper conduct of its business;

- Compliance with labor, tax and social security laws and other legal or regulatory requirements (e.g. equal opportunity and workplace diversity requirements): Processing is necessary for compliance with employment and compliance with our legal obligations under labor, tax, social security and other laws and regulations;

- IT support: Processing is necessary for the performance of the temporary worker’s employment contract; and/or

Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include safeguarding our assets and ensuring security of our information systems;

- Facilities, security and contingency planning purposes: Processing is necessary for the performance of the temporary worker’s employment contract; and/or Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Ransdstad, which include safeguarding and securing our assets, our facilities, our information systems and our people;

- Network and device usage optimization and related security controls (including company network access and authentication): Processing is necessary for the performance of the temporary worker’s employment contract; and/or processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include safeguarding our assets and ensuring security of our information systems;

- Preventing, detecting and investigating fraud and other crimes, and compliance with sanctions regimes (including identification of politically exposed persons, specially designated nationals  and screening against sanctions lists): Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include the protection of company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims/disputes; and/or Processing is necessary to comply with our legal obligations (including when authorities or administrations ask information about a temporary worker);

- Emergency and disaster management: Based on a legitimate interest pursued by Randstad, which includes ensuring the safety of talent; and Where the above ground is not possible because local mandatory law requires so, only in those limited cases may this be based on a consent; 

- Relocation, mobility and travel management: Processing is necessary for the performance of the temporary worker’s employment contract; and/or Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include improving efficiency in the workplace and the proper conduct of its business; 

- To conduct checks to verify your suitability for placements: we may carry out criminal record checks, credit checks and verify whether you are a politically exposed person, a specially designated national or otherwise subject to sanctions under applicable laws or regulations.

- To monitor and enforce compliance with Randstad policies and procedures: For the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include safeguarding our assets and ensuring security of our information systems;

- To monitor and enforce compliance with legal obligations applicable to us (including the requirements set out in your contract with us): Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include the protection of company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims/disputes;

- Recruitment and staffing: based on the legal grounds of (a) (pre-)contractual necessity for our services when matching (e.g. via Terms & Conditions on the website) or when we enter into an employment contract with you we require some data to be able to draw up this contract and to then be able to execute it correctly; (b)  If and only if the local process would not amount to a legally binding contractual relationship under (a) or if applicable law prescribes otherwise, the exception could be based on our legitimate interest to build and maintain a relationship; (c) Where (a) and (b) are not possible or local mandatory law requires so, only in those limited cases may this be based on a consent 

- To provide references about you to third parties: Processing is necessary to perform the Services, to comply with our legal obligations for the purposes of legitimate interests particularly to maintain records and to comply with legal, regulatory and corporate governance obligations and good practice;

- Employee surveys, statistical purposes: Based on our legitimate interest to survey our temporary workers so as to better understand their needs, to improve our services and to build and maintain a good relationship with our temporary workers and with the clients our temporary workers work at;

- Events: Based on our legitimate interest to organise events so as to better build and maintain a good relationship with the community of temporary workers and with the clients our temporary workers work at;

- To manage memberships of employees to professional associations: Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include improving efficiency in the workplace and the proper conduct of its business;

- To perform internal and external audits: Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include improving efficiency in the workplace and the proper conduct of its business, including compliance with laws and regulations;

- To conduct corporate transactions (including mergers, acquisitions and divestments): Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include Randstad’s interest in developing its business through mergers, acquisitions and divestments;

We will retain your personal data for 5 years from the last day you worked on a temporary assignment.  We will retain certain pay-related and other financial information for 7 years in order to comply with our legal obligations.

In any event, we may keep your personal data for longer if necessary in connection with any actual or potential dispute (e.g. we need this personal data to establish or defend legal claims), in which case we will keep your personal data until the end of such dispute or if we are required to do so by any applicable law or regulation.

In the context of our Services, we process your personal data if you are working for companies with which we are conducting (or intending to conduct) business (e.g. to make offers for the Services and to maintain a business relationship with the company you work for).

We process the following personal data about you:

  • Identification information – we may process your name and other contact information (including email address, landline phone number and mobile phone number), gender, digital signature and languages spoken.
  • Professional information – we may process information related to your work including (without limitation) your job title, your location and your department.
  • Photographs and video footage – when participating in our events, meetings, conferences etc., we may process photographs or videos of you.
  • Survey results – we may process your responses to questions in surveys.
  • Visitor information – when accessing our buildings, we may collect your name, contact details, car plate number, identification, etc. for security reasons. Where we are legally permitted to do so we may also ask you to disclose information about your health (including information related to viral infections, flu, etc.) for health and safety reasons.
  • Information you choose to share with us – we may process additional information if you choose to share that with us.
  • Trade sanctions information relating to you - we may verify whether you are a politically exposed person, a specially designated national or otherwise subject to sanctions under applicable laws or regulations.

This data may be obtained directly from you, from the public domain or from third parties. In the last case, we will inform you of the purpose and data sources we use, the exception is where the provision of this information to you would cause disproportionate efforts. In that case, we may take alternative measures to protect your rights and freedoms.

Randstad processes your personal data only for the purposes specified below:

- To administer and manage the contractual relationship between Randstad and our clients and suppliers: Necessary for the performance of the contract between Randstad and the client or supplier;

- Business development (including sending direct marketing and offers to those who have opted in): Depending on the circumstances this may be based either on your consent or on our legitimate interest to maintain good relations with our current or prospective clients and suppliers. You can always choose not to receive direct marketing and offers from us; see the section “Your data protection rights” below;

- Facilities, security and contingency planning purposes: For the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Ransdstad, which include safeguarding and securing our assets, our facilities, our information systems and our people;

- Health and safety management: Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include the protection of its employees, company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims/disputes; and/or protection of the vital interests of the Data Subjects;

- To conduct corporate transactions (including mergers, acquisitions and divestments): Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include Randstad’s interest in developing its business through mergers, acquisitions and divestments;

- Events: Based on our legitimate interest to organise events so as to better build and maintain a good relationship with our clients and our suppliers;

- Preventing, detecting and investigating fraud: To comply with our legal obligations when some authorities or administrations ask information about our contact as a client; and/or Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include the protection of company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims/disputes;

- IT support: Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include safeguarding our assets and ensuring security of our information systems;

- Surveys (including satisfaction surveys): Based on our legitimate interest to survey our clients so as to better understand their needs, to improve our services and to build and maintain a good relationship with our clients;

- Dispute management and litigation: Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include the protection of company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims/disputes with our clients and suppliers;

- Compliance with legal or regulatory requirements: Processing is necessary for compliance with our legal or regulatory obligations (e.g. obligations under tax laws to keep certain information including personal data);

- Preventing, detecting and investigating fraud: To comply with our legal obligations when some authorities or administrations ask information including personal data; and;or Processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include the protection of company assets, protecting its legal interests and managing legal claims/disputes;

- To monitor and enforce compliance with Randstad policies and procedures: For the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include safeguarding our assets and ensuring security of our information systems;

- To perform internal and external audits: For the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Randstad, which include the proper conduct of its business and accuracy of financial reporting;

We will retain your personal data until you inform us in writing that you withdraw your consent for us to do so.

In any event, we may keep your personal data for longer if necessary in connection with any actual or potential dispute (e.g. we need this personal data to establish or defend legal claims), in which case we will keep your personal data until the end of such dispute or if we are required to do so by any applicable law or regulation.

Our use of innovative HR technologies for talent matching and services

Our ultimate goal is to support people and organizations in realizing their true potential. We believe that the best way to achieve that goal is by combining our passion for people with the power of today’s HR technologies. By HR technologies we mean technologies that help us digitize and enhance a variety of recruitment-related processes. 

For example we use chatbots to improve your talent experience. Chatbots give candidates the opportunity to answer questions based on the requirements of the job they apply for.  This is a user-friendly way for candidates to:

  • provide us with relevant information that may not be readily apparent from the application, profile or resume of a candidate.
  • know promptly whether their skills meet a job’s essential requirements and, if not, to easily explore other jobs or to identify gaps in their skillset.
  • answer at any moment convenient to the user.

As part of the larger recruitment process, HR technologies allow us to connect candidates more quickly to our consultants.  This, in turn, allows our consultants to better support candidates in exploring jobs and to deliver the right candidates more quickly to our clients. HR technologies also allow our consultants to find people based not only on the jobs they qualify for but also on the basis of jobs they are interested in. 

Improving the client experience 

HR technologies help us to search through a broader and more diverse set of candidates so that we become even better at finding the best talent with the most relevant skill-set for our clients. Thanks to these technologies our consultants can focus on the tasks that require genuinely human traits that technology cannot emulate: creativity and emotion. 

Web beacons

Our emails may contain a single, campaign-unique "web beacon pixel" to tell us whether our emails are opened and verify any clicks through to links or advertisements within the email. We may use this information for purposes including determining which of our emails are more interesting to users, to query whether users who do not open our emails, wish to continue receiving them and to inform our advertisers in aggregate how many users have clicked on their advertisements. The pixel will be deleted when you delete the email. If you do not wish the pixel to be downloaded to your device, you should select to receive emails from us in plain text rather than HTML.

Responsible use of HR technologies

Randstad is committed to the ethical and responsible use of innovative HR technologies (you can read our AI principles here). Randstad does not use these technologies as a substitute for humans or human interaction in any part of its processes. Instead, our use of HR technologies is intended to make interactions with clients and candidates more personal, relevant and meaningful.

We strive to involve human beings whenever we make decisions that significantly impact you.  If, in exceptional cases, we were to make such decisions based on a fully automated process (ie. without involvement of humans), we will only do so where that is permitted by law and after having notified you.

To ensure all candidates are treated fairly we take steps to avoid bias where we use HR technologies. For example:

  • We regularly test the output created by these technologies to identify potential unfair bias.
  • We regularly obtain expert advice to continuously improve the way in which we identify and remove bias.
  • Both our consultants and our search and match algorithms are thoroughly trained and always work together.

We may share your personal data with:

  • other entities of the Randstad group of companies. We are part of a multinational group of companies and sometimes we may share personal data with other Randstad groups of companies for the purposes of efficient management of business, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and to provide our Services to you (include as matching) and to our clients. For an overview of these entities, click here.
  • Randstad clients. Within the scope of our services, including recruitment and provision of temporary work.
  • third parties providing HR-related services to use (e.g. payroll service providers).
  • third party providers of IT-related services (e.g. we use an external provider to support our IT-infrastructure; e.g. an important part of our software and databases sit in a cloud-environment which is operated by a third party service provider).
  • third parties providers of marketing-related services (e.g. we may store your personal data in a cloud-based CRM-application that is hosted and provided by a third party service provider; e.g. when we use a third party service provider to organise an event we may share your personal data with that third party in order to invite you to that event).
  • providers of professional services (e.g. to our auditors, our tax advisors, our legal advisors and for the checking of criminal records).
  • with banks and insurers (e.g. in order to pay the salaries of our temporary workers we share some of their personal data with our bank).
  • with pension funds. 
  • with public authorities (e.g. pursuant to applicable law Randstad must disclose personal data to the social security authorities and to tax authorities).
  • with law enforcement authorities, courts and regulatory authorities (e.g. as part of a criminal investigation police services may require us to disclose personal data to them).

We may also disclose your personal data to third parties:

  • in order to obtain references about you from those third parties if required within the scope of our Services; or
  • in the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, in which case we may disclose your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets; or
  • if all or a substantial part of our assets are acquired by a third party, in which case the personal data that we hold about you may be one of the transferred assets.

When we share your personal data as described above, such personal data may be transferred outside the UK.

In the event that we transfer your personal data internationally, we will only do so in line with applicable law, and we will require that there is an adequate level of protection for your personal data, and that appropriate security measures are in place.

Your personal data may be transferred from the UK to countries located within the EEA and to countries located outside of the EEA (such as the United States). In such cases, we will require that the following safeguards are observed:

  • The laws of the country to which your personal data is transferred ensure an adequate level of data protection. Click here for the list of the countries that, according to the UK Government, provide an adequate level of data protection; or
  • The transfer is subject to standard data protection clauses approved by the European Commission or International Data Transfer Agreements approved by the UK government. More information about those data protection clauses is available here; or
  • Any other applicable appropriate safeguards under the UK General Data Protection Regulation

For more information about the safeguards that we have implemented to protect your personal data internationally, please contact us at

We have technical and organizational security measures in place to protect your personal data from being accidentally lost, used, altered, destroyed, disclosed or accessed in an unauthorized way. We limit access to your personal data to those who have a genuine business need to know it. Those processing your personal data are governed by Randstad's rules for information and IT security, data protection and other internal regulations and guidelines applicable to the processing of personal data.

While we have measures in place to protect your personal data, it is important for you to understand that 100% complete security cannot be guaranteed. Accordingly, we have procedures in place to deal with data security incidents and to comply with legal requirements applicable to the detection, handling and notification of personal data breaches.

You have the following rights regarding your personal data: 

1. Right to be informed: You have the right to be provided with clear, transparent and easily understandable information about how we use your personal data and your rights. This is why we are providing you with the information in this notice.

2. Right of access: You have the right to access the personal data we keep about you – this is because we want you to be aware of the personal data we have about you and to enable you to verify whether we process your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

3. Right to rectification: If your personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to request the rectification of your personal data.

4. Right to erasure: This is also known as ‘the right to be forgotten’ and, in simple terms, enables you to request the deletion or removal of your personal data where there is no compelling reason for us to keep it. This is not a general right to erasure, there are exceptions.

5. Right to restrict processing: You have rights to ‘block’ or suppress further use of your personal data in certain circumstances. When processing is restricted, we can still store your personal data, but may not use it further. We keep lists of people who have asked for further use of their personal data to be ‘blocked’ to make sure the restriction is respected in future.

6. Right to data portability: You have the right to obtain and reuse your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format in certain circumstances. In addition, where certain conditions apply, you have the right to have such personal data transferred directly to a third party.

7. Right to object to processing: You have the right to object to certain types of processing, in certain circumstances. In particular, the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interests or on public interest grounds; the right to object to processing for direct marketing purposes (including profiling); the right to object to the use of your personal data for scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes in certain circumstances.

8. Right to withdraw consent: If our processing of your personal data is based specifically on your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. This includes your right to withdraw consent to our use of your personal data in the context of voluntary employee surveys.

9. Right to object to automated decision making: You have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated Processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects for you or similarly significantly affects you.  Automated decision making takes place when an electronic system uses personal data to make a decision without human intervention.  This is not a general right to object, there are exceptions.  For example, we are allowed to use automated decision making where it is necessary to perform a contract with you and appropriate measures are in place to safeguard your rights.  For further information, see the section “Innovative HR technologies”.

You can exercise your rights by contacting the Data Protection Officer of Randstad UK, by email to 

The exercise of these rights can also be done by writing to:

Randstad Uk

Data Protection Officer

450 Capability Green



We will handle your request with special care to ensure your rights can be exercised effectively. We may ask you for proof of identity to ensure that we are not sharing your personal data with anyone else but yourself!

You must be aware that, in particular cases (for instance, due to legal requirements) we may not be able to make your request effective right away.

In any case, within one month from your request, we will inform you on the actions taken.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory data protection authority:

Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House, 

Water Lane, 



Telephone Number: 0303 123 1113

We may update this notice from time to time. You can see the date on which the last change was made below in this statement. We advise you to review this notice on a regular basis so that you are aware of any changes. If you have any questions about this policy or any privacy concerns, or would like to exercise your rights, or obtain further information about the safeguards we have in place so that your personal data is adequately protected when transferred outside the UK, please contact us.

This statement was updated on: March 24, 2023

Contact us

If you have any questions about your privacy notice or any data protection concerns, or would like to exercise your rights, please contact us at