Based on your answers....

You have a transformational sales team

You have now taken the first step toward realising your salespeople's potential by telling us about their strengths and weaknesses. We've compiled your answers to determine what you should do next to enhance your sales team's performance.

On this page, you will discover what transformational selling is, how you can build your transformational sales team, and valuable resources to amplify your business.

How to optimise your transformational sales team

Businesses will adopt the transformational selling model to provide their clients with new ways of thinking to help them overcome their challenges. Transformational sales teams lead with insights and data to provide unique solutions to the clients they support, providing bespoke and tailored products and services to support very niche requirements.

With the transformational sales model, your sales reps must be forecasting and pipelining specialists. When building your transformational sales team, you should lean on your executive sales leaders and ensure they are equipped to sell in a competitive environment, with particular expertise in forecasting and pipelining deals. 

Your salespeople must know their sales ratios and the ins and outs of the sales process and be able to interpret and manage sales data to influence future sales projections. 

To ensure your sales operations run consistently at optimal levels, your transformational sales leaders must have a degree of visibility over the teams they manage. For example, they should be aware of all the major deals within the pipeline, sit in on specific client calls and have visibility over sales data to monitor KPIs and ensure the team is hitting their targets. 

Your senior salespeople should be questioning their team on the various deals in the pipeline and check and support with any blind spots or gaps the sales rep may have missed or not considered during the sales process. 

Building a successful transformational sales team stems from great leadership and nurturing leaders with the right attitudes who can get the best out of your salespeople. 

You should ensure your leaders take a genuine interest in the deals the sales team are working on and provide advice on how to get the best results. It’s crucial here to ensure your sales leaders are not micromanaging their sales team or qualifying every detail of the deal and are instead allowing a degree of autonomy and accountability across each stage of the sales process.

Reflect on your leadership style

Are you predominantly leading, managing or selling, and what is the impact of this? As you look to optimise your transformational sales approach, you must take the time to reflect on your leadership and management style and how your approach is impacting your sales team and your business as a whole.

To improve your performance and optimise your leadership style, it's important to be self-aware. If you manage a transformational sales team and seek to improve their performance, assessing the amount of time you allocate to managing, leading, or selling is crucial. 

You could ask yourself some of the below questions when reflecting on your leadership style. 

  • Are you devoting enough time to training your team to demonstrate successful sales techniques? 

  • Are you still closing sales yourself to help your team hit their targets?

  • Are you leaving your team insufficient time to reach their targets? 

Ultimately, if you make it a habit and constantly intervene to help your salespeople reach their goals, your team will see you as a safety net and could fail to realise their potential. 

If you can answer all of these questions, you’ll be feeling confident you have a top performing transformational sales approach. If you’re not feeling confident, reach out to our expert below for an exploratory conversation.

Samantha Tuohy

Global Sales Director - Performance Consultancy & Training

  • 12
    Years at Pareto
  • Date Joined 7/6/2011
  • Team Training Division

Samantha Tuohy is a Commercial Consultancy & Training expert with over 12 years of experience at Pareto. As part of the Training Division at Pareto, she specialises in building bespoke training programs and consulting with global sales businesses. Through comprehensive audits, Athene and her team identy areas for improvement and provide strategic recommendations to enable businesses to achieve remarkable growth and realise their potential.

Now that you're aware of your team's progress, let's dive deeper into the transformational selling method to maximise your sales potential.

Understanding transformational sales

Businesses will adopt the transformational selling model to provide their clients with new ways of thinking to help them overcome their challenges. Transformational sales teams lead with insights and data to provide unique solutions to the clients they support, providing bespoke and tailored products and services to support very niche requirements.

closing the big sales deal

Sales transformation talent will often reference industry reports and studies to support their insight-led approach to selling, providing the client with valuable knowledge to influence their decision-making.

Transformational selling specialists will go above and beyond to work closely to understand their client's needs, goals and objectives. With this information, the transformational sales consultants will focus on helping transform their client's lives by providing new products, services or ideas to help them with whatever challenges they may face. 

business transformation discussion

Pareto enhances transformational sales

Our carefully crafted assess, place, and train model has helped thousands of future sales leaders and global businesses realise their potential for over two decades. At Pareto, our bespoke training solutions are perfect for allowing existing salespeople the tools to transition from entry-level roles into transformational sales specialists. 

Start by having a free consultation to help enhance your transformational selling approach and identify the real issues behind a learning request or business need to help commercial strategy. 

The four stages of this process are:


This stage involves consulting with you to evaluate your salespeople, purpose, value proposition, and processes. Our free consultation begins with one of our expert consultants conducting a comprehensive consultation to identify the gaps impeding your business and its sales team from achieving its goals.

The second stage involves understanding your workplace culture, behaviours, and mindset.

Next, we move onto the design stage, which involves designing a bespoke solution to address the gaps we’ve identified in our sales team.

This bespoke solution may include executive coaching, creating competency frameworks, implementing impactful reward schemes, or optimising existing CRM tools. The solutions we propose to you may vary based on the client's needs and involve various stakeholders, such as managers and learning and development teams.

Our final stage involves executing the solution and evaluating its effectiveness for your business and your salespeople.

Transition your sales team into transformational specialists

Speak to a member of our team to book your free consultation.

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Download our 10 Steps to Building a Successful Sales Team Guide

Read the latest insight from Pareto's 25 years of experience in the sales industry.

Are you looking to enhance your transformational sales team?

Speak to our sales recruitment team for a free consultation

If you need support to help grow your transformational sales team, we can help. With over 25 years of experience helping businesses amplify their sales performance by offering first-class sales training and top talent who can drive change, we are well-versed in all aspects of transformational selling.

Discover how we can support your sales team with transformational selling by completing the form or speaking to our sales recruitment experts for a free consultation today.